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Mindful Bites:
Weight Loss Wisdom


A program designed to shed those extra pounds and reach your fitness goals in a supportive and motivating environment.

Image of Weight Loss Image for 6 week weightloss showdown challenge

Embrace the Challenge

Join our 6-week program to discover your true potential, overcome obstacles, lose weight, and stay motivated.

Weight-Loss Techniques

Get expert weight-loss tips that combine exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments for a personalized and enjoyable journey towards long-term success.

Tips and Tricks

Get expert tips on weight loss success, including how to overcome cravings and stay motivated on your journey.

Conversations with the Trainer

Our program offers personalized one-on-one chat sessions with professional trainers Selina and Zach to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Insights from 20+ Years of Weight-Loss Knowledge

Tap into 20+ years of weight-loss expertise from our trainers. They'll equip you with proven strategies for a lasting lifestyle change.

Weekly Meetings at Your Convenience

Weekly Saturday meetings at 10 am to stay connected, share your journey, and be part of a supportive community that will drive your success.

Affordable Investment in Yourself

The 6-week program is available at an affordable price of $150, aiming to make the transformative experience accessible to everyone.

Meet Your Dynamic Duo

Zach and Selina offer dual expertise to guide you. Their combined support empowers you to conquer obstacles and attain weight-loss goals with resolute determination.

Ready to embrace the challenge and reclaim your health? Sign up for our 6-Week Challenge Weight-Loss Program today! Limited spots available, so don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity.

Call us at 831-204-0820 with any questions or concerns you may have and reserve your spot now!