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Need Help? Get Started With Personal Training Now!

$49 Intro Session

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Therapeutic Massage

Experience Bliss & Tranquility

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Begin Building Muscle TODAY with Strength Training!

Simplified into Strength 1 & 2 levels, our training welcomes all participants!

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Transforming Your Health,
One Step at a Time

As Pacific Grove's premier fitness destination, Fusion Fitness is your local go-to source of inspiration, motivation, and unwavering support. Our expert team is ready to guide you towards achieving your goals and unlocking your potential. Discover the perfect place to get moving and experience our specialization in the mature body. We advocate healthy living, preventative care, and a higher quality of life as you age. Join our community today.

Open Gym

The Ultimate Fitness



Never think about

your workout again

& always be challenged

Personal Training

Premium Trainers,

Proven Results

Therapeutic Massage

Bliss, Tranquility,

And Rejuvenation

Why We’re Different

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